Quick 4 to know about any company before an interview ?
Job description: This document makes the position look as attractive as possible. We need to take a look at the responsibilities part of it. Coz this is what helps you to answer how you can contribute to the betterment of the company.
How is the company doing in the last 3 years? – Common you spend hours finding about a hotel also where you spend 2 days to 15 days. This is you plan for a few years at least also your name is going to get attached with this brand. Also they are going to decide your performance if you join, almost every now and then.
Any interesting projects they have bagged recently? – This can tell you if your skills get any justice or if you can outshine if you join. Also you come to know the probability of you getting a chance to perform and get your designation that you look for in a year or two.
Proximity – Absolutely practical in terms for day to day physical health and mental peace if you are working onsite. You save on your me time and the company also gets benefit with quality of work if you join.
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